Embleema is a partner in the Lupus Research Alliance’s (LRA) Lupus Landmark Study, the world’s largest clinical study for lupus. Embleema provides operational resources for the study, including an electronic data entry system for patient data.

Embleema’s software platform collects, manages, and analyzes clinical and real-world data. It’s used by the FDA for regulatory evaluation of health products with genomic datasets. The platform is also used for other clinical studies, including the Human Epilepsy Projects.

The Lupus Landmark Study is the first phase of the Lupus Nexus, which aims to create a source of curated clinical data, biological samples, and patient-reported data. The study aims to enroll 3,500 patients to help develop personalized treatments for lupus. The study will involve people with lupus, clinicians, researchers, industry, government, and non-profit entities.

HIVE is currently hosting more than 27 Petabytes of genomic information in 20 deployment instances across US. HIVE technology platform has existed for 20+ years and since 2011 is the only Authorized to operate in a regulatory environment big data platform fit for genomic datasets.